Glossier Solution : Is it worth it?

Solution ($24) dropped at the beginning of the year and has since appeared in many beauty and skincare blogs and magazines, but is it worth your time and money?

Directly off Glossier's website; "Unlike physical exfoliators that scrape off the surface of your skin, Solution gently 
sloughs dead cells away through chemical exfoliation, ungluing the problematic dead cells hiding and clogging healthy skin beneath. With daily use, expect cleared acne and blackheads, smaller pores, and reduced redness. Skin’s texture will be smoother and softer, and the fabled glow of balanced, healthy skin will be in full force. "

Solution contains a particular 10% blend of three acid groups: Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA), Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA), and Polyhydroxy Acid (PHA).

Before I talk about my rendezvous with Solution, lets talk about the packaging. 

Glossier is known for having adorable packaging, which draws all of us in. This one in particular is full baby pink and glittery. 

Although I don't know if anyone else experienced this but my solution sometimes leaked out of the bottle if it was on it's side, and I tried everything but it would still do it.

Now, does it really do what it claims?

After using it for a month, my acne had not gotten better. Some parts of my skin were a little bit softer and glowy but to say I was disappointed is an understatement. Desperate to get rid of the explosions on my face and not seeing any results, I stopped using it.

After I calmed my acne down and was left with texture and dark marks, I decided to give it another chance.

After a few days I noticed a slight difference,less texture and some marks were getting lighter. I was exited again, if it worked ang got rid of my texture and marks, I could forgive it. 

Two weeks pass and the effects are no longer perceivable. What. The. Hell.

Frustrated and annoyed, it went to the back of the shelf and has only made it out a few times.

After that I've just been using it when I see the texture of my skin is getting a bit wonky and it does a quick fix.

Final verdict

I wouldn't recommend this to someone who is really struggling with acne. Something stronger would be more effective. If you have semi-clear skin and only deal with texture, I recommend it.


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